Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Discussion: Proxy System

The next topic to discuss is the proxy system. The proxy is the least understood aspect of the scoring system, but is actually extremely simple and intuitive after a few minutes of reviewing how it works.

But first, to wrap up the previous topic... the vast majority of people agreed with the changes to the move list as well as adding monos. So, for the next competition, the Up Moves and Stacks can be done 4 fingered, 2 fingered and mono. The finalized move list is:
Up Moves Stacks Doubles
1:2-3 1:3-6-8 (1:3-6 & 1:4-6) 2:1-2
1:2-4 1:4-5-8 (1:4-5 & 1:2-5) 2:1-3
1:3-4 1:3-5-7-9 (1:3-5 3 times) 3:1-3
1:2-5 1:2-5-6-9 (1:2-5,1:4-5,1:2-5) 2:1-4
1:3-5 1:5-6-9 (1:5-6 & 1:2-5) 4:1-4
1:4-5 1:4-6-9 (1:4-6 & 1:3-6) 2:1-5
1:2-6 1:5-7-9 (1:5-7 & 1:3-5) 5:1-5
1:3-6 1:4-7-9 (1:4-7 & 1:4-6) 2:1-6
1:4-6 1:3-6-9 (1:3-6 & 1:4-7) 6:1-6
1:5-6 1:4-5-9 (1:4-5 & 1:2-6) 2:1-7
1:3-7 1:2-6-9 (1:2-6 & 1:5-8) 7:1-7
1:4-7 1:3-7-9 (1:3-7 & 1:5-7)
1:5-7 1:3-5-9 (1:3-5 & 1:3-7)
Proxy System
There are now 20 Up Moves, 13 Stacks, and 11 Doubles; since the Ups and Stacks can be done with 1, 2, or 4 fingers, there are 110 total move combinations. The proxy system was created to reduce the total number of moves competitors perform; thus allowing them to focus on the more powerful moves. Currently, the system is based on the following rules:
  1. For fingers (i.e., how many fingers were used to do the move) the system is rather obvious: if you do a move 2 fingered, you also get credit for doing the same move 4 fingered. With the addition of monos, if you do a move 1 fingered, then you also get credit for doing the move 2 fingered and 4 fingered.
  2. For Up Moves, the proxy system is based around the middle rung in the sequence; for example, for 1:5-8, the middle rung is 5. Thus, easier moves through the same middle rung are credited. Thus, 1:5-8 earns points for 1:5-7 and 1:5-6, but not 1:3-7 because that move has a different middle rung. (Clearly, everyone can see that 1:5-8 is harder than 1:5-7 and 1:5-6; but 1:3-7 is a fundamentally different move and fewer competitors complete it.)
  3. For Stacks, the Up Moves that comprise the Stack are credited. For example, 1:2-6-9 is comprised of 1:2-6 and 1:5-8. Thus, 1:2-6 and 1:5-8 are also scored, as are the moves they proxy. For 1:2-6, this is 1:2-5, 1:2-4, and 1:2-3. For 1:5-8, this is 1:5-7 and 1:5-6.
  4. Also for Stacks, there are two Stacks that end at rung 8 (1:3-6-8 and 1:4-5-8) and two Stacks that are comprised of five rungs (1:3-5-7-9 and 1:2-5-6-9.) These stacks are significantly easier than the others, so any of the other Stacks give credit for these four Stacks. That is, on the list above, 1:5-6-9 and any Stack move below it give credit for the first four Stack moves listed.
  5. For Doubles, all shorter moves are proxied and the list above is in this order. So, 4:1-4 also earns points for 2-1-4, 3-1-3, 2-1-3, and 2-1-2.
There are some additional proxy rules I propose in order to further decrease the total number of moves a competitor must complete. These are:
  1. For Up Moves, if the middle rung of the move is the finishing rung of another move or above the finishing rung of another move, that other move is proxied. That is, for 1:5-6 the middle rung is 5, so any Up Move ending on or below rung 5 is scored. In this example, that would be 1:2-3, 1:2-4, 1:2-5, 1:3-4, 1:3-5, and 1:4-5. This logic seems quite straight forward and historical results support that there are no unexpected anomalies regarding applying this rule.
  2. Also for Up Moves, there is an obvious corollary to item #2 above that we missed; that point centers around the middle rung distance being fixed (i.e., 1:4-6 proxies 1:4-5;) but the corollary is the spacing of the second move being fixed (i.e., 1:3-7 should proxy 1:2-6.) This is because both moves travel four rungs on the second hand movement, yet 1:3-7 starts from an even lower rung, so it has to be harder. So again, it's the exact same logic as point #2 above, simply applied to the first hand movement, not the second. Here are some more examples of applying this rule (not a complete list:)
    1. 1:3-4 credits 1:2-3
    2. 1:3-5 credits 1:2-4
    3. 1:3-7 credits 1:2-6
    4. 1:4-7 credits 1:2-5
    5. 1:4-8 credits 1:3-7
  3. For Stacks, there are nine "hard" Stack moves (these are all the Stacks on the list above starting at 1:5-6-9.) This is a lot of moves and I think top competitors would appreciate, and deserve, a way for it to be decreased; and, again, this will let them focus on more powerful moves, which is what campusing is all about. Since additional proxy rules for Stacks aren't as is linear as Up Moves, I propose a cutoff based on historical success rates for a group of very hard Stacks, any of which would proxy the other Stacks. The cutoff Stack I propose would be 1:4-5-9; so, from the list above, 1:4-5-9 and any Stack below it on the list would proxy the five Stacks above it. (Note: this group of "very hard" Stacks would not proxy each other; i.e., a top competitor would now have to do four Stacks.) I think 1:2-6-9 is also a good, more stringent, cutoff point and would mean top competitors would only have to do three Stack moves. Here is the data, the success rate percentage is based on people that do the Stack 1:5-6-9:
Stack Success
1:5-6-9 (1:5-6 & 1:2-5) 100%
1:4-6-9 (1:4-6 & 1:3-6) 72%
1:5-7-9 (1:5-7 & 1:3-5) 68%
1:4-7-9 (1:4-7 & 1:4-6) 60%
1:3-6-9 (1:3-6 & 1:4-7) 40%
1:4-5-9 (1:4-5 & 1:2-6) 24%
1:2-6-9 (1:2-6 & 1:5-8) 16%
1:3-7-9 (1:3-7 & 1:5-7) 12%
1:3-5-9 (1:3-5 & 1:3-7) 8%
  1. Since posting this last night, I thought of one more obvious rule for Up Moves: It is the combination of the original rule #2 and the prospered rule #2. That is, if both the first move and the second move are longer, the the move is clearly harder. Example: 1:4-7 has a longer first and second move than 1:3-5, so it should proxy 1:3-5; yet, partially because of how the rules are stated, this is currently left out of the proxy rules. Another example is 1:3-7 should proxy 1:2-5.
If we adopt the additional proxy rules I am proposing, a top competitor would probably end up doing:
  1. Their maximum Up Move for 1, 2, and 4 fingers. This is 3 sequences or 9 hand movements.
  2. 1-6 Stacks (depending on how many 2 finger Stacks are achievable.) This is 4-24 hand movements.
  3. Their maximum Double move: 2 hand movements.
In total, that's about 14-34 total hand movements. Since we usually allow 2-3 hours for the competition, that should be plenty of time to focus entirely on powerful moves.

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