
How The Moves Are Done
  • Ups: "1:5-7" means both hands start on rung 1. Then you lift off the ground without your body swinging significantly. Next, one hand (let's say the left) goes to rung 5. Then your other (right) hand goes to rung 7. Then your left hand matches rung 7 and holds the rung under control (maybe 1 second.) Again, you cannot kick or swing (unnaturally) when lifting off the ground. The right hand cannot match or aid off of any rung (other than 1) on the way to rung 7. Up moves can be done four fingered or two fingered, with more points for two fingering. To receive points for two fingers, all moves, including lifting off the ground must be done with two fingers. For four fingering, competitors can use any fingers they want; i.e., a competitor could hit a rung three fingered and keep going.
  • Stacks: All stacks start on rung 1 and finish on rung 8 or 9. There are 16 combinations that earn points. 1:3-6-9 means: both hands start on 1, one hand moves to 3, the other hand moves to 6, then the first hand moves to 9 and then the second hand matches 9 - it is essentially 1:3-6 and 1:4-7 stacked. (This is because if to imagine renumbering the rungs at 1 when you're on 3 & 6, then they become 1 & 4 respectively, and 9 would become 7; thus 1:4-7.)
  • Doubles: Both hands start on the initial rung. Then drop, both hands at the same time, to rung 1. Then both hands move back to the target rung at the same time.

Proxy Scoring
In order to let competitors focus on their hardest moves, you receive credit for moves that are directly "easier" than the move you complete; i.e.:
  • Ups: Proxy applies to easier moves that the middle rung of the move include. Ex.: 1:5-8 earns points for 1:5-7 and 1:5-6, but not 1:3-7 because that move has a different middle rung.
  • Stacks: Proxy applies to the two moves that were stacked (and thus, any moves that those moves get proxy points for.). Ex.: 1:5-7-9 earns points 1:5-7 and 1:3-5; and thus 1:5-7 earns points for 1:5-6; and 1:3-5 earns points for 1:3-4.
  • Doubles: Proxy applies to all moves with a lower point value than the performed move. Ex.: 4:1-4 earns points for 4-1-4, 2-1-4, 3-1-3, 2-1-3, and 2-1-2.
What moves are proxied by each move is listed on the scoring.

Individual Scoring
Competitors get the total points and proxy points for all the moves they do. You do not get points for repeating moves. In the event of a tie, the competitor with the highest scoring move wins (or second highest, etc. if the highest was equal in points.) This is determined only by the points for the single move, not the points the move gets via proxy.

Team Scoring
Each team takes the total scores of their five best competitors. Each team must have at least one female.