If you're planning on competing, create an account now (otherwise we can't log your moves) at portal.lordoftherungs.com then click "register" to enter the event.
In addition to the individual competition, there is a team competition. Team scores are based on the score of the 5 top people from your location (there has to be at least one female on the team.)
Participating Gyms:
Diablo Rock Gym (Concord, CA)
Dogpatch Boulders (San Francisco, CA)
Earth Treks Climbing Centers (Golden, CO)
Great Western Power Company (Oakland, CA)
LA Boulders (Los Angeles, CA)
Origin Climbing & Fitness (San Francisco, CA)
Rock Jungle Fitness (Edmonton, AB - Canada)
Santa Barbara Rock Gym (Santa Barbara, CA)
Sender One (Santa Ana, CA)
The Cliffs Climbing (New York, NY)
The Pad (Santa Maria, CA)
more coming soon...